

  1. 申请ODU并被录取.

  2. 参加与学位课程相关的课程.

  3. 获得退伍军人事务部颁发的资格证书.


  • 确保你的项目通过 WEAMS.

  • 如果您以前在其他机构使用过您的福利,请单击 在这里 填写22-1995表格,并将其转交给业务发展办公室.

  • 为了获得你的退伍军人福利,你需要申请 在这里.

  • Submit your 退伍军人清关表格 at least 30 days prior to the start of the term.


第1606章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®精选储备计划. 本章要求你完成一定的培训和时间承诺.

  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to keep receiving payments. 您可以通过网上验证您的注册 Web自动验证 系统(称为“WAVE”)或致电877-823-2378.
  • 点击 在这里 查看当前的每月费率权利.
  • 付款: V的每月支票付款.A. 直接交给你. Then, you're responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.

有关资格要求, 如何获得这些好处, 以及有关第1606章的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.

第三十章 is also known as the Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty Educational Assistance Program. You may be eligible for these 好处 if you're on Active Duty or after you're separated from Active Duty.

  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to keep receiving payments. 您可以通过网上验证您的注册 Web自动验证 系统(称为“WAVE”)或致电877-823-2378.
  • 点击 在这里 查看当前的每月费率权利.
  • 付款: V的每月支票付款.A. 直接交给你. Then, you're responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.
  • 看看这个 PDF 资料小册子,以取得更多资料.

有关资格要求, 如何获得这些好处, 以及有关第1606章的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.


本章为受益人提供学费、杂费、书籍和用品. 你可能还会得到每月的津贴. 为了符合这个福利章节的资格, you must have a service-connected disability that the Department of 退伍军人 Affairs rates at least 20% disabling.

  • 付款: The invoicing for your tuition balance will be coordinated by ODU's Third Party Billing (在财务办公室和你的V.A. 教育顾问.
  • 你不需要填写退伍军人清查表. 你将直接使用你的V.A. 教育顾问, who will send your authorization to our certifying team. 然后,我们的认证团队将向V提交您的注册认证.A. Your VA 教育顾问 will also make arrangements for ODU to bill the V.A. 直接.
  • Our staff will send your information to ODU's 停车 服务s so they can issue you a parking pass. As well as notifying the ODU 书店 for you to obtain your books and supplies.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及关于第31章的其他信息, 请点击 在这里.

第33章也被称为后9/11退伍军人法案. 你可能有资格参加这个项目, 哪一种提供长达36个月的教育福利, 如果你在9月10日之后服役至少90天, 2001.

VA requires a two-part certification process for those using 33章 好处. 第一个, we report your total credit hours for the semester to trigger the VA to issue you a book stipend and housing allowance. The second step happens after the add/drop period so we can report your actual tuition and fees for the semester to the VA. 然后,VA会将您的费用直接支付给ODU. Deferments are placed on your student account so you don't accrue late fees while waiting on payment from the VA.

  • 付款退伍军人事务部负责支付学费和杂费 直接到ODU. *第一天课程材料费用除外.
  •  是由初始注册认证触发的吗. To get full 呸, you must be considered full-time and be in at least one 1-credit hour on campus. 点击 在这里 目前的呸津贴是基于你的邮政编码和工资等级. *如果选择在线课程,费用将会降低.
  • A 书津贴 是由初始注册认证触发的吗. 你需要付钱买书, including 书店 Course Materials that are charged 直接 when you register. 你可以通过利奥在线自己付费. 点击 在这里 查阅现时的图书津贴津贴比率.
  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to continue receiving your Monthly 住房 Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments. 通过验证您每个月仍在注册相同的课程, you help avoid overpayments caused by changes to your training schedule and safeguard your G.I. Bill entitlement by preventing entitlement charges for training you did not attend. 简化流程 轻松安全地验证注册 通过 短信.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及关于第33章的其他信息, 请点击 在这里.

章35 is also known as the Survivors' and 家属' Educational Assistance (DEA) program. This benefit chapter offers education and training opportunities to the survivor or dependents of 退伍军人 who are disabled due to a service-related condition or who died on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

  • 付款退伍军人事务部每月的支票直接付给你, and you will be responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.
  • T在这里 are age and time limits for this program depending on if you are the child or spouse of the Veteran or service member. 请点击 在这里 对于这些细节.
  • / V.A. 指导,我们报告学费和费用的V.A. 如果你在中场休息.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及有关弗莱奖学金的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.

Virginia 军事 Survivors and 家属教育计划 (VMSDEP) provides education 好处 to spouses and children of military service members killed, 行动中失踪, 被俘, or who have been rated by the United States Department of 退伍军人 Affairs as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of military service.

兵役包括在美国武装部队服役, 美国武装部队预备队, 或者弗吉尼亚国民警卫队.

Virginia Department of 退伍军人服务 (DVS) is responsible for managing the program and collaborates with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and Virginia's public colleges and universities to assist spouses and children of qualified military service members and 退伍军人 in attaining their educational goals. (参见《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》第23-7条.4:1.)

This program is not handled through the Department of Veteran Affairs or the Office of the Registrar. 有关此计划的帮助,请访问ODU 财政援助办公室和他们的奖学金页面 在弗吉尼亚军事幸存者组织下 & 家属教育计划.

第1606章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®精选储备计划. 本章要求你完成一定的培训和时间承诺.

  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to keep receiving payments. 您可以通过网上验证您的注册 Web自动验证 系统(称为“WAVE”)或致电877-823-2378.
  • 点击 在这里 查看当前的每月费率权利.
  • 付款: V的每月支票付款.A. 直接交给你. Then, you're responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.

有关资格要求, 如何获得这些好处, 以及有关第1606章的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.

第三十章 is also known as the Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty Educational Assistance Program. You may be eligible for these 好处 if you're on Active Duty or after you're separated from Active Duty.

  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to keep receiving payments. 您可以通过网上验证您的注册 Web自动验证 系统(称为“WAVE”)或致电877-823-2378.
  • 点击 在这里 查看当前的每月费率权利.
  • 付款: V的每月支票付款.A. 直接交给你. Then, you're responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.
  • 看看这个 PDF 资料小册子,以取得更多资料.

有关资格要求, 如何获得这些好处, 以及有关第1606章的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.


本章为受益人提供学费、杂费、书籍和用品. 你可能还会得到每月的津贴. 为了符合这个福利章节的资格, you must have a service-connected disability that the Department of 退伍军人 Affairs rates at least 20% disabling.

  • 付款: The invoicing for your tuition balance will be coordinated by ODU's Third Party Billing (在财务办公室和你的V.A. 教育顾问.
  • 你不需要填写退伍军人清查表. 你将直接使用你的V.A. 教育顾问, who will send your authorization to our certifying team. 然后,我们的认证团队将向V提交您的注册认证.A. Your VA 教育顾问 will also make arrangements for ODU to bill the V.A. 直接.
  • Our staff will send your information to ODU's 停车 服务s so they can issue you a parking pass. As well as notifying the ODU 书店 for you to obtain your books and supplies.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及关于第31章的其他信息, 请点击 在这里.

第33章也被称为后9/11退伍军人法案. 你可能有资格参加这个项目, 哪一种提供长达36个月的教育福利, 如果你在9月10日之后服役至少90天, 2001.

VA requires a two-part certification process for those using 33章 好处. 第一个, we report your total credit hours for the semester to trigger the VA to issue you a book stipend and housing allowance. The second step happens after the add/drop period so we can report your actual tuition and fees for the semester to the VA. 然后,VA会将您的费用直接支付给ODU. Deferments are placed on your student account so you don't accrue late fees while waiting on payment from the VA.

  • 付款退伍军人事务部负责支付学费和杂费 直接到ODU. *第一天课程材料费用除外.
  •  是由初始注册认证触发的吗. To get full 呸, you must be considered full-time and be in at least one 1-credit hour on campus. 点击 在这里 目前的呸津贴是基于你的邮政编码和工资等级. *如果选择在线课程,费用将会降低.
  • A 书津贴 是由初始注册认证触发的吗. 你需要付钱买书, including 书店 Course Materials that are charged 直接 when you register. 你可以通过利奥在线自己付费. 点击 在这里 查阅现时的图书津贴津贴比率.
  • V.A. requires you to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to continue receiving your Monthly 住房 Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments. 通过验证您每个月仍在注册相同的课程, you help avoid overpayments caused by changes to your training schedule and safeguard your G.I. Bill entitlement by preventing entitlement charges for training you did not attend. 简化流程 轻松安全地验证注册 通过 短信.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及关于第33章的其他信息, 请点击 在这里.

章35 is also known as the Survivors' and 家属' Educational Assistance (DEA) program. This benefit chapter offers education and training opportunities to the survivor or dependents of 退伍军人 who are disabled due to a service-related condition or who died on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

  • 付款退伍军人事务部每月的支票直接付给你, and you will be responsible for paying your tuition balance before the deferment deadline.
  • T在这里 are age and time limits for this program depending on if you are the child or spouse of the Veteran or service member. 请点击 在这里 对于这些细节.
  • / V.A. 指导,我们报告学费和费用的V.A. 如果你在中场休息.

有关资格要求, 如何申请, 以及有关弗莱奖学金的更多信息, 请点击 在这里.

Virginia 军事 Survivors and 家属教育计划 (VMSDEP) provides education 好处 to spouses and children of military service members killed, 行动中失踪, 被俘, or who have been rated by the United States Department of 退伍军人 Affairs as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of military service.

兵役包括在美国武装部队服役, 美国武装部队预备队, 或者弗吉尼亚国民警卫队.

Virginia Department of 退伍军人服务 (DVS) is responsible for managing the program and collaborates with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and Virginia's public colleges and universities to assist spouses and children of qualified military service members and 退伍军人 in attaining their educational goals. (参见《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》第23-7条.4:1.)

This program is not handled through the Department of Veteran Affairs or the Office of the Registrar. 有关此计划的帮助,请访问ODU 财政援助办公室和他们的奖学金页面 在弗吉尼亚军事幸存者组织下 & 家属教育计划.


所有学生使用G.I. Bill® 好处 must have their enrollment certified by the ODU School Certifying Official to receive their educational 好处. 要启动认证过程,您必须完成一个 退伍军人清关表格.

ODU学校认证官员(SCOs)开始向V报告入学情况.A. 上课日期的第一天前30天. 第一步将触发V.A.你的教育津贴的支付. Depending on your chapter, this can include 呸, book stipends, or other monthly allotments. 学费和其他费用稍后再算. 查看下面的附加章节信息以了解更具体的细节.

Our staff notifies the Office of Finance to place a tuition deferment on your account. Deferments prevent your account from accruing late fees as we wait on payment from the V.A. If you submit a late clearance form after getting late fees, they should be reversed within 1 week.

Note: 31章 students and Engineering Management students in the Portable Media Program do not need to complete the 退伍军人清关表格. 31章 students will coordinate with their assigned VA 教育顾问. Engineering Management students in the Portable Media Program will coordinate with the Engineering Management department

还有什么? 看看这些:

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站